World Class Manufacturing (WCM) is a structured, rigorous and integrated production methodology adopted by FCA plants worldwide, which involves the entire organization, from safety to environment, maintenance, logistics and quality. The primary objective of WCM is continuous improvement in all areas of production in order to guarantee the quality of final product and meet customer expectations. Projects developed under the WCM methodology – which rely on a high level of employee involvement – target the elimination of all forms of waste and loss with the ultimate objective of achieving zero accidents, zero waste, zero breakdowns and zero inventory.
WCM is a production system where:
Theory of management techniques for improving the efficiency of work processes in a scientific way was first introduced by the American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor in “The Principles of Scientific Management”,1911. His pioneering work in applying engineering principles to factory production led to the development of what is now known as Industrial engineering.
A significant improvement were made between 1945 and 1971 in Japan, where Taiichi Ohno, adopting concepts of Just in Time (JIT), Waste Reduction and Pull System, developed Toyota Production System (TPS).
"All we are doing is looking at the time line, from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing the non- value-added wastes."
- Taiichi Ohno
TPS also inspired creation of the term “Lean Manufacturing”, or “Lean Production” , which was introduced for the first time in 1988 by John F. Krafcik in his article “Triumph of the Lean Production System”, which contains theories and methods theorized by Ohno for Toyota. This term is now widespread thank to the best seller published by James P. Wolmack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos in 1990: “The Machine that changed the World”. Lean Manufacturing means managing operations by continuously reducing wastes to maximize the Value/Cost ratio. A process is considered “Lean” if it uses the minimum required amount of resources while keeping required quality and respecting schedules.
Many Western Companies adopted Japanese methods, and started to develop their own models of “Operational Excellence”. One of the firsts was Total Quality Management (TQM) adopted in the late 1970s by several U.S. Government organizations. This theory, developed firstly by William Edwards Deming who published “Out of the Crisis” in 1982. TQM methods are Client oriented and promote high involvement of people using systematic approaches. Many other models of “X-Production System” were developed. One of them is World Class Manufacturing.
The term “World Class Manufacturing” was first used in 1986 by Richard Schonberger, in his “World Class Manufacturing: The Lessons of Simplicity Applied”, in which he collected his experience of companies who adopted “Kaizen” methods for continuous improvement with the target of reaching the Excellence in production. Lately this term was adopted by Japanese professor Haijime Yamashina to identify his new Model of Operational Excellence theorized in the U.S. around 2000 and now adopted by several Firms leaders in their market.
WCM is a structured production system finalized to eliminate all types of wastes and losses by applying standardized methods for long lasting improvements. The model aims to Customer satisfaction and creation of value, involving the entire organization to increase people awareness and participation for increasing knowledge and sense of responsibility. WCM Association, to enforce competition and participation of each plant and verify the achieved targets, uses a system of Audits, which evaluate different performance levels following a schematic objective procedure. These Audit give a score to tested plants called Methodology Implementation Index (MII). WCM structure is divided in 10 Technical Pillars and related 10 Managerial Pillars; each Pillar after the audit receives a score from 0 to 5 as function of level of implementation of methodology:
The sum of the Score of each Pillar gives the MII and represent the Plant Score (from 0 to 100). WCM divide plants in five levels of Methodology application:
The goal of each plant is to achieve World Class level, this is possible when each Pillar rigidly applies standard methods in all important areas with a proactive approach in order to have “Zero” problems.
WCM is a guide to the Total simplification of all activities, an idea based on Total Quality Management finalized to obtain zero: It uses methods of Total Industrial Engineering (TIE), Total Quality Control (TQC), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Just in Time (JIT) to achieve zero waste, zero defects, zero breakdowns and zero stocks.
Total Industrial Engineering (TIE): A system of methods for maximizing performance of labor trough reduction of Muri (unnatural and complicated operations), Mura (incorrect operations), Muda (non-value added operations) . Standard operations must be applied correctly to ensure quality, this is guaranteed by introducing controls and continuously improving the processes. Final goal is to achieve zero wastes
Total Quality Control (TQC): System for optimizing production to guarantee customer satisfaction and zero defects. It is based on various techniques involving both workers and managers to improve and optimize quality and productivity, including close monitoring of the market and client feedbacks with great importance given to customer service.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Global approach to a maintenance system aimed to maximize machine capabilities maintaining equilibrium between efficiency and maintenance costs. These methods attack all possible production wastes due to machine lacks, as stops, leaks, speed reduction to obtain zero breakdowns.
Just in Time (JIT): A guide model for logistics based on Pull system, which aims to produce exactly what the market needs avoiding overproduction typical of Push systems. Final product and materials during manufacturing processes are delivered when required in a precise quantity. JIT target are Zero stock, and reduction of lead time.
PDCA: also called Deming Cycle, it is ann iterative four steps management method for problem solving adopted for Kaizen procedure:
These methods retrieved from TQM are included inside World Class Manufacturing structure which can be seen as a temple sustained by 10 Technical Pillars standing on 10 Managerial Pillars.
10 Technical Pillars
Guide the activities of continuous improvement
Safety (SAF)
Cost Deployment (CD)
Focus Improvement (FI)
Autonomous Activities (AM & WO)
Professional Maintenance (PM)
Quality Control (QC)
Logistics & Customer Service (LOG)
Early Equipment Management ( EEM & EPM )
People Development (PD)
Environment (ENV)
10 Managerial Pillars
Guide improvement with correct decisional process and integration among technical pillars
Management Commitment
Clarity of Objectives
Route Map of WCM
Allocation of Highly qualified people
Commitment of Organization
Competence of Organization
Time and Budget
Level of Detail
Level of Expansion
Motivation of Operators
Each pillar is focused on a specific aspect of the Plant, owns defined targets and it is guided with dedicated methods and a common structure divided in 7 steps. Each step identifies a phase and the area of application of the methods. WCM is first applied in few selected areas and then extended to important areas and finally to all the plant. The method applied is first reactive to problems, then is preventive and finally Proactive.
Technical Pillars
First ten pillars are called technical as they act directly for continuous improvement. Activities are strictly connected to the area of interest of the pillar, but with a proactive and cooperative view, for a better integration of other pillars. The role of each pillar will be presented shortly by identifiying the main targets and activities, together with a schematization of the expected 7 steps to follow.
Safety (SAF)
Safety first. In WCM Temple, the first Pillar is represented by Safety. A model based on people involvement and customer satisfaction must give priority to Safety and Health of workers. This Pillar takes care of all the risks actuating procedures and supplying equipment to guarantee an adequate level of protection to avoid accidents.
Cost Deployment (CD)
World Class Manufacturing is based on the idea of reducing to zero all wastes and costs. So, after Safety, the Second Pillar is Cost Deployment. It is a systematic method of cost reduction that involves both production and management. CD classifies in a scientific way the costs of losses and wastes and define a priority for reduction plans .
Find the root causes of all losses and wastes for application of corrective actionsActivities:
Integrate cost reduction plans with plant budget to improve cost reduction effectiveness Focus Improvement (FI)
Cost Deployment define the sources of losses and wastes. Focus Improvement pillar works on cost reduction plans defined by CD and starts projects to eliminate losses and wastes starting from the top problems. CD helps FI avoid focus on problems that does not represent priorities. The main tool of FI is the Kaizen approach PDCA.
Autonomous Activities
As said before, WCM is based on people involvement. Great importance is given to increase responsibilities and awareness of workers. A technical pillar is then dedicated to Autonomous activities, which is divided in: Autonomous Maintenance (AM) and Workplace Organization (WO).
Autonomous Maintenance (AM)
Autonomous Maintenance activities are performed by operator working in production, and not by professional maintainers. These activities concern preventive maintenance on machines, as scheduled inspections, cleaning, functional controls, substitution of defined components and small repairs. The base principle of Autonomous Maintenance is to enhance and guarantee the product quality trough the involvement of people on a good utilization and preservation of the machines.
Workplace Organization (WO)
Workplace Organization activities are performed to obtain a better workplace, safe, clean and ergonomic, which can improve working condition and reduce stress and labor effort for the operators. A Better organized workplace also helps avoiding mistakes and non- value added operations. These activities are guided by technical criteria, methods and instruments that allow to retrieve and maintain workplace clean, in order and without useless instruments or stock areas. WO creates standards for the behavior of workers in order to guarantee process capability.
Professional Maintenance (PM)
Autonomous activities can help avoiding degradation of machines and working equipment but major competencies are required in case of major failures. For this reason, Professional Maintenance represents another technical Pillar of WCM temple. With the cooperation of AM and Focus Improvement, Professional Maintenance attacks the breakdowns with a reactive approach. The main target is to develop a preventive system to avoid failures and increase machine useful life. PM organizes maintenance activities to increase duration of components and defines standard to guarantee a proper functioning preventing the degradation with time.
Quality Control (QC)
QC pillar has the main target of guaranteeing Customer Satisfaction, as it is one of the fundamental principles on which is based the entire WCM. Quality Control attack quality issues to find their root cause and apply adequate countermeasures. The aim is to monitor the production identifying non-compliances and avoid their reappearing. QC is not based on controls of production but on solutions that help avoid controls, as they are non-added value operations. As a consequence, Quality Control also helps to reduce costs related to reworks and scraps.
Logistic / Customer Service (LOG)
Another Pillar of WCM Temple is represented by Logistics, which controls all material flows inside and outside the Plant. The main goal is to apply JIT to all areas, in order to maintain an efficient control of all materials, supplying each production process with required material just when it is required. This is done to limit stocks which represent a great cost for the Company, and to help production to avoid mistakes. This can be possible through an accurate analysis and control of the demand, as material supply rigidly follow the production plan with a pull logic. Material flows are optimized and reduced, to avoid both financial costs related to stocks, and risk of material damaging or degradation.
Improve layout of stock areas, material flows and the shape of containerEarly Equipment Management / Early Product Management ( EEM / EPM )
This pillar is dedicated to the introduction of new machines /products in the production system. It cooperates with Suppliers of the machines and Product Development up to the Ramp up phase, to improve both machine and process reliability, and to avoid future costs caused by an ineffective proactive analysis of all potential problems related to the new machine / product. The aim of the pillar is to reduce costs and time required for new introductions in production process. The role of Early Equipment Management and Early Product Management is similar, but EEM refers to introduction of new Machines and equipment, while EPM is dedicated to new products.
People Development ( PD )
Humans represents the most important factor influencing the Success of a Company. A Pillar of the WCM Temple is then represented by People Development. Its role concerns people and their technical development, it provides trainings to improve worker competencies on Autonomous Activities or application of QC procedures, but especially on WCM methods. World Class Manufacturing is based on people involvement, this pillar has the task of increase the feeling of responsibility and the proactive attitude of all workers, in a form compatible with WCM to help the continuous improvement of the plant.
Environment (ENV)
Last Technical Pillar of WCM Temple is dedicated to Environment. Its main concern is the evaluation of the impact of Plant activities on the environment, considering both immediate and long term. It is an instrument to monitor the performances related to resource consumption.
2.3.2 Managerial Pillars
WCM introduces ten managerial pillars strictly connected to the technical pillars, as a support for work and continuous improvement. They are related to aspects as planning, organization, leadership and motivation which are fundamental for the success of technical activities. It follows a brief explanation of the main roles of each pillar:
This Pillar is responsible for the beginning of the shake-up. It opens a discussion about actual conditions to analyze possibilities of improvement trough changes. It represents the main sponsor for the mutation of present activities and habits, it has to convince the entire organization that a change is necessary. Management Commitment pillar transforms strategical objectives in operative objectives, runs Transversal meetings to guarantee the coherence of daily activities with the organization targets and assign activities to correct resources, guiding the Company toward change.
As suggests the name of this Pillar, its role is to Define Objectives in a simple and clare way to prevent any kind of incomprehension. Objectives must also be quantified to avoid subjective interpretations, and diffused to every interested person in the Organization. As WCM is based on reduction of losses, Cost Deployment indicates for each pillar an Objective which is translated in KPIs, which is the main instrument of diffusion of the Objective. KPIs are first defined, then diffused and calculated, and after application of corrective actions in case of need they are monitored.
This pillar is based on two factors: Customer Aspectatives and the Mission / Vision of the Company. Starting from these factors it is defined a “Route Map” to follow, a definition of Targets, a strategic pianification of the future of the Company comprehensive of all Plants. This is the base point for the Pillar of a Plant, which target is to develop several “route maps” starting from the “general rout map” evaluating the medium-long period and define proper targets. The following responsibility is to guarantee that all pillars, both technical and managerial, know and follow in the same direction the Route map, with a proactive attitude and a strong cooperation. The increase of motivation and involvment are important factors required to succeed on bringing together all pillars and satisfy required targets without delays from schedule
WCM as said before is based on people involvment. The main role of this Pillar is to guide the beginning of Method implementation. Starting from model Areas, Some Experts are in charge of transmitting their Knowledge about methods, procedures and ideas. These competencies must be absorbed by workers of that area and then, the method must be “self-managed”. The role of the Pillar leader is to evaluate performances and effective application of learnt methods, to guarantee a proper advance toward the direction planned with the Route Map. The pillar evaluations are based on KPIs, property of adoption of Methods and instruments, and Team competencies gained trough People Development.
A part from the Management, a relevant role is given to Organization, this pillar represents a guide for each activity of improvement, acting against tendencies of relying on habits and avoid admitting existing problems, or solving them in an incorrect way. A correct organization teaches people to act against problems with a propositive attitude, helps people to find the solution of a problem starting from their technical knowledge and the method. A good way to improve organization is to involve more people in many projects, for a wider point of view which could be helpful in certain situations, rather than focusing few people in few projects at a time. The organizational guide starts from the pillar leader, to the team, and finally to the entire organization, in which everyone should be trained on WCM and its methodologies.
World Class Manufacturing, to reduce losses and wastes exploit several methods and stragegies, which should be objective and systematic, so equal for each similar situation. This pillar evaluate and monitor trough a database the effectiveness of the organizational aspects related to a problem in each aspect, from the method, to related economical requirements. It is important to use the correct instrument offered by WCM in each situation, for example simple problems should be analyzing with Quick Kaizens, it is not correct to open a Major Kaizen, because it would be an unprofitable waste of time. This Managerial pillar is a guide to help the correct choice of the instrument to be used to solve a problem, other than a source of knowledge about the history of projects, both completed and still running. For simpler problem basic instruments should be used, while for project related to situation more and more complex, the instruments suggested get sofisticated and more advanced.
This pillar develop specific plans to evaluate and monitor times and costs. An average project in WCM has a duration of 3 / 4 months, it is then important to define budget and expected time required for each project, in accordance to Plant annual budget. Time and Budget pillar helps the management of project guaranteeing the required budget and dividing the time of the resources available, to prioritize fast solution projects in order to focus attention afterwards to more complicated ones which give a smaller benefit. This system allows to easily monitor all the costs of the plant and to prevent dangerous delays that can cause extra expenses.
This Managerial Pillar has the task to analyze the processes deeply in the details losses and wastes after their elimination, in order to find their real root cause. This approach allows to remove definitively the problem avoidinding a potential reappearing in the future.
World Class Manufacturing is based on expansion. Each activity it is firstly introduced in a selected area, then it expands until reaching the total plant. Management must follow a Detailed plan of WCM expansion, accompained by a great number of parallel projects defined starting from guidance of Cost Deployment, starting from processes of class AA, A, B up to the entire Plant, and eventually even to external suppliers.
This pillar aims to increase the motivation among operators, as they are the base of the production system and the most determinant members of the organization, as they are directly acting on the product and on the machines, and so their knowledge is relevant even for their eventually limited areas of expertise. Workers must be involved in WCM and trained to application of methodologies to let them exploit their direct technical experience to help the solution of plant problems. This is possible if the worker is satisfied and motivated to add other activities to the basic ones that he is used to perform. This pillar organize teams for small projects among operators with Kaizen used as a guide procedure for all activities finalized to the solution of a problem. To avoid absenteeism and low engagement, Management must involve workers, give them the importance they deserve, and inform them of the achieved results as they are part of the Organization. The Pillar also suggest incentives for good application of the methods and for proactive attitude of workers, and promote training sessions and guidance in case of low quality of the proposed solution for a given problem.
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Author of the text: Luca Gironda indicated on the source document of the above text
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