The parameter S is defined as strain, it represents the fractional extension of the material. Longitudinal motion changes the cube volume by dw*A, where A is the area of the cross section. Therefore, the relative change in volume is dw/L = S since the total volume of A*L.
(shear) .
Note that there is no change in area (volume) and density as shear motion distorts it.
where c is the elastic constant of the material.
Tensor notation |
Reduced notation |
xx |
1 |
yy |
2 |
zz |
3 |
yz=zy |
4 |
zx=xz |
5 |
xy=yx |
6 |
In addition,
The above equation holds because when a material is compressed in one direction, it tends to expand in a perpendicular direction for an isotropic material and small displacements. Thus, only two independent elastic constants are needed for an isotropic medium. These two parameters are also known as the Lamé constants and
. Note that
is the ratio of the longitudinal stress in the z direction to the longitudinal strain in the y direction. m is also called the shear modulus (or modulus of rigidity).
where D is defined as dilation, representing the fractional change in volume.
Since shear stresses are not supported in fluids, by setting Txx and Tyy to be zeros, we can obtain the Young’s modulus (E):
It is then straightforward to see that
the motion equation for the mechanical system is (based on Newton’s second law)
where the analogies are
Electrical |
Mechanical |
q |
charge |
w |
displacement |
i=dq/dt |
current |
U=dw/dt |
particle velocity |
V |
voltage |
f |
force (stress, pressure) |
L |
inductance |
m |
mass |
1/C |
1/capacitance |
km |
stiffness |
R |
resistance |
rm |
damping |
In the above figure, w(z,t) is displacement and p(z,t) is pressure. Therefore,
where r is the density. By taking dz ® 0 and using Bulk modulus (B), we have
By taking Fourier transform of the above equation (with respect to time) we have a general solution of the wave equation (in temporal frequency domain)
where is the propagation speed of the particle displacement wave. In time domain, we have
In other words, the first term represents a wave traveling to the right and the second to the left.
Since the particle velocity u(z,t) is defined as , in the temporal frequency domain we have
It is then straightforward to see that
where and is called the characteristic impedance of the medium. Note the analogy between pressure, particle velocity and voltage, current.
If there is only propagation to the right (or left), then the above equation can be reduced to ( or
since both pressure and particle velocity are continuous functions and medium 2 is infinite to the right, we have , i.e.,
At the boundary (i.e., z=L), we have
Since medium 2 is infinite to the right, the above equation is also the pressure wave in medium 2.
Since the normal components of the particle velocity at the boundary must be continuous, then . Additionally, since the pressure is also continuous at the boundary (i.e.,
), it is then straightforward to obtain the following relations
Note that at normal incidence, the above equations reduce to the 1D equations.
where c1 and c2 are the propagation velocities in medium 1 and 2, respectively. If c1 > c2 , a critical angle can be defined as
. For any incidence angle greater than the critical angle, total reflection occurs ( i.e., there is no transmission).
In general, impedance in medium 1 (Z(z,w)) is a complex value
To avoid reflection at boundaries, we need to have
Combining the above equations, we have
where . Note that by choosing
for n=0,1,2,…
Zo is real and . Normally, n is chosen to be 0 and this is called “quarter wavelength impedance matching”. Note that if
, then
and this is a trivial case of no discontinuities. Also note that for multiple layers, impedance values can be found by iterations.
- Pa (Pascal, pressure) :
- Rayl (acoustic impedance) :
Source: http://home.ee.ntu.edu.tw/classnotes/us1/chapter2.doc
Web site to visit: http://home.ee.ntu.edu.tw
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