Unit Process Life Cycle Inventory
Dr. Devi Kalla, Dr. Janet Twomey, and Dr. Michael Overcash
Turning is a frequent unit process in manufacturing as a mass reduction step, in which the major motion of the single point cutting tool is parallel to the axis of rotation of the rotating workpiece thus generating external surfaces. Facing is a special case of turning in which the major motion of the cutting tool is at right angles to the axis of rotation of the rotating workpiece. Hence this life cycle heuristic is to establish representative estimates of the energy and mass loss from the turning unit process in the context of manufacturing operations for products. The turning unit process life cycle inventory (uplci) profile is for a high production manufacturing operation, defined as the use of processes that generally have high automation and are at the medium to high throughput production compared to all other machines that perform a similar operation. This is consistent with the life cycle goal of estimating energy use and mass losses representative of efficient product manufacturing.
Turning is a cutting process in which material is removed by a rotating workpiece across which a point cutting tool removes material, typically aided by cutting fluids. The workpiece is usually held in a workholding device such as a chuck, and the tool is mounted in a tool post. In turning, the tool progressively generates a surface by removing chips from a workpiece rotated and fed into a cutting tool and these chips are swept away by the rotation of the workpiece. The turning process is used to produce cylindrical external surfaces and flat surfaces during facing operation. The turning process requires a turning machine or lathe, workpiece, fixture, and cutting tool. Turning is also commonly used as a secondary process to add or refine features on parts that were manufactured using a different process. Consequently, chip disposal in turning and the effectiveness of cutting fluids are important. An example turning machine is given in Figure MR4.1, while the turning mechanism is illustrated in Figure MR4.2.
Figure MR4.3 shows an overview of the developed environmental-based factors for turning operations. For a given workpiece (illustrated in Figure MR4.2) the life cycle analysis yields energy use and mass losses as byproducts or wastes.
Figure MR4.1. Computer numerical control (CNC) turning machine with 3-axis control (Photograph from Haas Automation, Inc. California, USA)
Figure MR4.2. Process Schematic (Todd et al., 1994)
In order to assess a manufacturing process efficiently in terms of environmental impact, the concept of a unit operation is applied. The unit process consists of the inputs, process, and outputs of an operation. Each unit process is converting material/chemical inputs into a transformed material/chemical output. The unit process diagram of a turning process is shown Figure MR4.4.
The transformation of input to output generates five lci characteristics,
Because high production turning is a semi-continuous process, there are a variety of CNC turning machines, ranging from a simple two-axis lathe to a multi-axis machining center. The main parts of the CNC turning centers are the bed, headstock, cross-slide, carriage, turret, tailstock, servomotors, ball screws, hydraulic and lubrication systems, and the machine control unit. These machines are classified as horizontal, vertical or universal based on the spindle orientation. The uplci is based on a representative operational sequence, in which
Table MR4.1. Set-up times for machining operations (Fridriksson, 1979)
In this representative unit process, the life cycle characteristics can be determined on a turning per piece basis or on a full piece (with one or more cuts) basis. Since this is a high production process, the start up (at the beginning of a batch or shift) is deemed to be small and not included. In this uplci, there are three typical power levels that will be used, Figure MR4.5. Each power level, kw, is the incremental power not the absolute total power. Thus if electrical measurements are made, the kw during the tip measurement must have the idle and basic power (kw) values subtracted to obtain this tip power (kw). Correspondingly, there are times within the turning sequence from which these three power levels are used, Figure MR4.5. The overall time per piece is referred to as cycle time and is generally consistent in a batch. Each power level is a reflection of the use of various components or sub-operations, of the CNC machine, Figure MR4.6.
Figure MR4.5. Determination of power characteristics and energy requirements of machine tools.
The steps 2), 3), 5), and 6) are estimated as representative values for use in this unit process lci and energy required of removing material by turning, 4), is measured using specific cutting energy values.
The system boundaries are set to include only the use phase of the machine tool, disregarding production, maintenance and disposal of the machine. Moreover, the functioning of the manufacturing machines is isolated, with the influence of the other elements of the manufacturing system, such as material handling systems, feeding robots, etc. covered in other uplci reports.
The energy consumption of turning is calculated as follows.
Etotal = Pbasic * (tbasic) + Pidle * (tidle) + Pturning * (tturning)
(Basic energy) (Idle energy) (Turning energy) (1)
An approximate importance of the many variables in determining the turning energy requirements was used to rank parameters from most important to lower importance as follows:
From this parameter list, only the top 6 were selected for use in this unit process life cycle with the others having lower influence on energy. Energy required for the overall turning process is also highly dependent on the time taken for idle and basic operations.
Turning time (tturning) and power (Pturning) must be determined for the turning energy and are calculated from the more important parameters given above. Turning process time is used to calculate a part of the energy for this unit process and based on a turning area (tool in contact with workpiece).
The total turning process is illustrated in Figure MR4.7. The cutting speed, V (m/min), is the peripheral speed of the workpiece past the cutting tool. The rotational speed of the spindle, N, (rev/min) (set on the machine), N = V/ (π*Di). Where V = cutting speed, mm/min and Di = Initial diameter of the workpiece, mm. Feed, f (mm/rev), for turning is the distance that a tool advances into the workpiece during one revolution of the headstock spindle. V and f are estimated from the material properties, Table MR4.2 and Table MR4.3. The feed rate, fr (mm/min) is the rate at which the cutting tool and the workpiece move in relation to one another. The feed rate, fr (mm/min), is the product of f *N. The volume removal rate has been defined as the expected cut area multiplied by the rate at which the material is removed perpendicular to the area. For turning, the area removed is an annular ring of initial diameter Diand finished diameter Df. Thus, the expected cut area is
(Di2 -Df2)/4. The rate at which the tool is fed, fr (in unit distance per minute), is f * N. Therefore, the volume removal rate (VRR) for turning is:
VRR = ((Di2 -Df2)/4) * fr (mm3/min)
Difference between the initial and final diameter is the depth of cut. The actual turning time is the turning length, divided by the feed rate, fr.
Time for turning tturning = (l)/f*N = l/fr = l /[f*(V/π*Di)] (2)
Where l = Length of the surface to be machined, mm.
f – Feed, mm/rev.
N- Spindle speed, rpm
fr - feed rate, mm/min
V – cutting speed, m/min
FigureMR4.7. Schematic diagram of turning process
The turning energy is thus E (Joule/cut) = turning time*Pturning,
E = turning time*(volume removal rate)*(specific cutting energy, Up, W/mm3/sec) (3)
Eturning (Joule/cut) = tturning *VRR*Up = tturning * Pturning
With a given material to be cut, the specific cutting energy, Up, is given in Table MR4.2. Then for that material a representative cutting speed, V is selected from Table MR4.2. V and Di are used to calculate N. Then N and f are used to obtain fr.
The turning energy is then calculated from equation 3. Thus with only the material to be cut, and the depth of cut, one can calculate the lci turning energy for a single cut. This then must be added to the idle and basic energies, see below.
Table MR4.3. Recommended speeds and feeds for turning plastics (Terry and Erik, 2003)
Energy-consuming peripheral equipment included in idle power are shown in Figure MR4.6. In the machining praxis it is known as “run-time mode” (Abele et al., 2005). The average idle power Pidle of automated CNC machines is between 1,200 and 15,000 watt*. (* This information is from the CNC manufacturing companies, see Appendix 1). The handling power characterizes the load case when there is relative movement of the tool and the work-piece without changing the shape of the body (e.g. rapid axis movement, spindle motor, coolant, tool changer) - Handling.
The idle time (tidle) is the sum of the handling time (thandling) and the turning time (calculated above as tturning, equation 2), see Figure MR4.5. For CNC turning machines, the handling times are the air time of cutter moving from home position to the location at the start of the cut, the approach to the actual cut, the overtravel, then retraction after turning to the next cut at this location, and traverse, if needed to cut at another location on the same work piece. Approximate Handling time will vary from 0.1 to 10 min. We can calculate the idle times and energy as follows.
Idle time = [timehandling + timeturning] (4)
A cutting tool moves from the home position to the location of the start of the cut at a horizontal traverse rate, HTR and is defined as the air time1. This distance would be in the range of 5 to 30 mm. During the turning process, the total travel of the cutting tool is larger than the length of the workpiece due to the cutter approach and overtravel distances and this time can be defined as air time2. The approach and overtravel distances, l1 and l2 respectively, can be assumed to be 2 to 10 mm, enough for the cutting tool axis to clear the end of the part. During this time the cutting tool moves with the constant feed rate, fr. After reaching the overtravel point, the tool retraces back to an offset position, but at a faster rate called the vertical traverse rate, VTR.
Time for handling is
Air time1 + Approach/overtravel times + retraction times = thandling (5)
To this idle time must be added the time to traverse to the next cut (if needed) and this is (cut spacing)/transverse speed, HTR, as given by the CNC manufacturer. The example given later in this uplci lists such traverse speed data for use in any representative turning scenarios.
From these calculations the idle energy for a single cut is
E (Joule/cut)idle = [thandling + tturning]* Pidle (6)
Thus with just the information used in calculating tturning, and the representative idle power (1,200 – 15,000 watts), one can calculate the idle energy for this turning unit process.
Turning Conditions
Feed rate
Turning depth
Cutting speed
Spindle Speed
The basic power of a machine tool is the demand under running conditions in “stand-by mode”. Energy-consuming peripheral equipments included in basic power are shown in Figure MR4.6. There is no relative movement between the tool and the work-piece, but all components that accomplish the readiness for operation (e.g. Machine control unit (MCU), unloaded motors, servo motors, pumps) are still running at no load power consumption. Most of the automated CNC machine tools are not switched off when not turning and have a constant basic power. The average basic power Pbasic of automated CNC machines is between 800 and 8,000 watt* (* From CNC manufacturing companies the basic power ranges from 1/8th to 1/4th of the maximum machine power, (see Manufacturers Reference Data in Appendix). The largest consumer is the hydraulic power unit. Hydraulic power units are the driving force for motors, which includes chiller system, way lube system and unloaded motors.
From Figure MR4.5, the basic time is given by
Tbasic = tload/unload + thandling + tturning (7)
where thandling + tturning = tidle as determined in equation 4.
An exhaustive study of loading and unloading times has been made by Fridriksson, 1979; it is found that these times can be estimated quite accurately for a particular machine tool and work-holding device if the weight of the workpiece is known. Some of Fridriksson, 1979 results are showed in Table MR4.4, which can be used to estimate machine loading and unloading times. For turning representative work-holding devices are chuck, Collet, clamps, face plate, independent chuck and three jaw chuck etc. To these times must be added the times for cleaning the workholding devices etc.
Table MR4.4. Sum of the Loading and Unloading Times (sec) versus Workpiece weight (Fredriksson, 1979) (load and unload times are assumed equal)
Thus the energy for loading and unloading is given by
Basic energy, tbasic = [timeload/unload + timeidle ]*Pbasic (8)
Where timeidle is given in earlier sections and timeload/unload is from Table MR4.4. Pbasic is in the range of 800 to 8,000 watts.
Thus the uplci user must add some reasonable value from Table MR4.4 for the load/unload times and can then use the timeidle to determine the Basic energy
In summary, the unit process life cycle inventory energy use is given by
Etotal = Pbasic * (tbasic ) + Pidle * (tidle) + Pturning * (tturning) (9)
This follows the power diagram in Figure MR4.5. With only the following information the unit process life cycle energy for turning can be estimated.
The mass loss streams in turning process, identified with the associated process performance measures, are depicted in the Figure MR4.11 below.
Turning |
Waste Stream |
Gas/Aerosol |
Solid |
Liquid |
Figure MR4.11. Waste Streams in turning process
The workpiece material loss after turning a cross sectional area can be specified as chip mass (ms). Metal chips are accumulated, and cutting fluid is separated from these. The chip mass (ms) can be calculated by multiplying the volume of material removed (Vremoval) by the density of the workpiece material ρ.
Density of the material can be attained from the material property list as shown in Table MR4.2, kg/m3.
Volume of the material removed = [mm3] (10)
l = Length of the workpiece to be machined in mm,
Di = Initial diameter of the workpiece in mm.
Df = Final diameter of the workpiece in mm.
Chip mass (ms) = Vremoval * ρ * (1 m3/1 E+09 mm3) [kg] (11)
For turning operations, cutting fluids can be used to allow higher cutting speeds, to prolong the cutting tool life, and to some extent reduce the tool - work surface friction during machining. The fluid is used as a coolant and also lubricates the cutting surfaces and the most common method is referred to as flooding (Wlaschitz and Hoflinger, 2007). Table MR4.5 shows the recommended cutting fluid for turning operations. Cutting fluid is constantly recycled within the CNC machine until the properties become inadequate. The dilution fluid (water) is also supplied at regular intervals due to loss through evaporation and spillage.
Table MR4.5. Cutting fluid recommendations for turning operation
(Hoffman et al., 2001)
Material |
Turning (most of these cutting fluids are aqueous suspensions) |
Alloy Steels Aluminum |
Mineral Oil with 10% fat or soluble oil
25 Percent sulfur base oil with 75 percent mineral oil. |
Brass |
Mineral Oil with 10 percent of fat |
Tool steels and Low carbon Steels |
25% land oil with 75% mineral oil |
Copper |
Soluble Oil |
Monel Metal |
Soluble Oil |
Cast iron |
Dry |
Malleable Iron |
Soluble Oil |
Bronze |
Soluble Oil |
Magnesium |
10% Land oil with 90% of mineral oil. |
The service of a cutting fluid provided to one CNC machine tool for one year was considered as the functional unit. It is assumed that the number of parts produced per unit time will not vary depending on the cutting fluid replacement. The turning time associated with one year of production was based on the schedule of 102 hr of turning/week for 42 weeks/year from one of the most comprehensive cutting fluid machining studies (Andres et al., 2008). From (Andres et al., 2008) a single CNC machine using cutting fluid required an individual pump to circulate the fluid from a 55 gallon (208L) tank to the cutting zone. The 208L/machine is recycled within process until it is disposed of after two weeks. Assuming cutting fluid is used 204 hr/ 2 weeks, then the cutting fluid loss is 208L/ (204*60) per minute. Which is 0.017 L/min or about 17 g/min as the effective loss of cutting fluid due to degradation. The coolant is about 70wt% - 95 wt% water, so at 85wt% water, the coolant oil loss is 15wt% or 2.5 g cutting oil/min. With the machining time for turning a cross sectional area the mass loss of coolant oil can be calculated.
There is also be a fugitive emissions factor here that could account for aerosol losses. Wlaschitz and Hoflinger (2007) measured aerosolized loss of cutting fluid from a rotating machining tool under flooding conditions. For a cutting fluid use of 5,700 g/min, the aerosol oil loss was about 0.0053 g/min and water loss of 0.1 g/min. Other losses from spills and carry off (drag-out) on workpieces were not included at this time.
Lubricant oil is mainly used for a spindle and a slide way. Minute amount of oil is infused to the spindle part and the slide way at fixed intervals. From the CNC manufacturing companies it is found that lubricant oil is replaced only 2-3 times of the life of the machine. It is assumed that the life of the machine is around 20 years. Since it is negligible lubricant oil loss is not considered for this study.
Turning processes often require regular replacement of cutting tools. The tool life is a time for a newly sharpened tool that cuts satisfactorily before it becomes necessary to remove it for regrinding or replacement. Worn tools contribute significantly to the waste in the form of wear particles and a worn tool at the end of tool life. The wear particles usually are carried away by the cutting fluid. From an environmental perspective the cutting tools remaining at the end of the tool life are of importance as they are often disposed off and hence are a burden to the environment. The worn tool can be identified by the process performance in terms of the cutting forces, energy consumed, and surface finish. For simplification regrinding of the tools are not considered.
In this report we analyze the detailed energy consumption calculations in the turning process. The machining process is performed on Jeenxi Technology 4-axis CNC machine (JHV – 1500). The machine specifications are listed below:
Table MR4.6. Specifications of JHV – 1500 CNC Machine
Model |
JHV - 1500 |
Liner |
X axis Travel (mm) |
1500 |
Y axis Travel (mm) |
750 |
Z axis Travel (mm) |
700 |
Distance from the table to spindle nose (mm) |
120 – 820 |
Table dimensions, mm |
1650 x 750 |
Max. load of table (kg) |
1000 |
SPINDLE (rpm) |
8000 |
Spindle Taper |
BT - 40 |
BT - 40 |
Spindle Speed (rpm) |
8000, 10000 |
10000, 12000, 15000 |
Spindle Drive |
Belt type |
Direct type |
Spindle Motor (kw) |
7.5 / 11 |
7.5 / 11 |
Spindle Cooling |
Oil Cooler |
Rapid Traverse (X,Y) (m/min), HTR |
30 |
Rapid Traverse (Z) (m/min), VTR |
24 |
Cutting Feed rate (mm/min), fr |
1 – 15000 |
3 Axes motor output (X, Y, Z) (kw) |
4.0 / 4.0 / 7.0 |
A.T.C |
Magazine Type |
Carosel |
Arm |
Tool Magazine Capacity (pcs) |
16 |
24 |
Max. Tool Diameter (mm) |
100 / 150 |
80 / 150 |
Max. Tool Length (mm) |
300 |
300 |
Max. Tool Weight (kg) |
7 |
7 |
Tool Selection |
Fixed type |
Random |
Maximum Power Consumption (KW) |
30 |
Floor Space (L x W x H) |
4100 x 2640 x 2810 mm |
Machine Weight (kg) |
11000 |
For this example we are assuming a low carbon alloy steel as the work piece. The work piece is a cylindrical bar that is 3 in. (76.2 mm) diameter and 10 in. (254 mm) long, where 0.2 in. (5.1 mm) is to be removed up to 3 in. (76.2 mm) length from the end of the bar. The objective of the study is to analyze the energy consumption in turning process. The product dimensions are shown in Figure MR4.12. From the dimensions and the density from Table MR4.2, the weight of the workpiece is 9.26 kg (assuming density as 8000 kg/m3).
Figure MR4.12. Dimensions of the Work piece
The machining conditions and the cutting parameters are listed in Table MR4.7.
Table MR4.7. Cutting Parameters for Example Case
Cutting Conditions |
Workpiece Diameter (Di) |
76.2 mm |
Cutting Speed (V), Table MR4.2 |
40 m/min |
Feed (f), Table MR4.2 |
0.5 mm/rev |
Spindle Speed (N) = V/πDi |
168 rpm |
Feed rate (fr) = f *N |
84 mm/min |
Length of the surface to be machined (l) |
76.2 mm |
depth of cut (d) |
5.1 mm |
Finish workpiece Diameter (Df) |
71.1 mm |
VRR = ( |
49,536 mm3/min |
Rapid Traverse (horizontal, X,Y) (m/min), HTR |
30 |
Rapid Traverse (vertical, Z) (m/min), VTR |
24 |
Before turning on the work piece in a CNC machine, it is important to set the co-ordinate axes of the machine with respect to the work piece. The direction along the length and breadth are taken as positive X and Y axis respectively. The vertical plane perpendicular to the work piece is considered as the Z-axis. During the machining process the tool is considered to be at an offset of 10 mm above the work piece. Every time while turning the tool comes down from a height of 10 mm to the approach distance, 5 mm, from the workpiece. Because the end of the cut is a flat surface there is no overtravel. It goes back to the home position at transverse speed. The feeds and speed are stated in Table MR4.7.
The total processing time can be divided into the 3 sub groups of basic time, idle time, and turning time.
Turning Time:
The time for turning is determined by
tturning = (l)/fr (min)
Where l is the length of the workpiece to be machined in mm, fr is the feed in mm/min.
Time for turning a cross section cut will be,
tturning = (76.2)/ 84
= 0.907 min/cut = 54 sec/machined
Machining Power for each cut,
pm = VRR * Specific cutting energy
VRR from Table MR4.7 = 49,536 mm3/min and specific cutting energy, Up, from Table MR4.2 = 2.98 W/mm3/sec
pm = 49,536 * 2.98/60 = 2.46 kW
Tip Energy required per cut is em = pm * tturning = 2.46 * 54 = 133 kJ/cut
Handling Time:
Time required for the cutter to move from offset position to position prior to cutting (10 mm) is essentially turning in air. The air time of the approach is
ta1 = 10/ (transverse speed)
ta1 = 10/ 24000 mm/min
= 0.0004 min = 0.0025 sec (neglect)
After reaching the approach distance 5 mm from the workpiece it reaches the workpiece at feed rate, fr (84 mm/min. When not cutting the workpiece, the approach distance,
ta2 = (15)/84 mm/min
= 0.06 min = 4 sec
Retract time ta3 = (76 + 5)/24000 = 0.2 sec
Idle power of the machine can be calculated based on the individual power specifications of the machine.
Pidle = Pspindle + Pcoolant + Paxis
The assumed values are
Pcoolant = 1 kW (~1.5 hp); Pspindle = 4 kW (~5 hp); Paxis = 5 kW (~7 hp)
(These assumed values are from the CNC manufacturing companies, see Appendix 1)
To convert a horse power rating (HP) to Watts (W) simply multiply the horsepower rating by 746
Idle power for the process is
Pidle = Pspindle + Pcoolant + Paxis
=4 + 1 + 5
= 10 kW
Total Idle time for cut t idle = ta + tturning = 4 + 0.2 + 55
= 59 sec
Total Energy during the idle process is,
eidle = Pspindle * tidle + Pcoolant* tidle + Paxis*tidle
= 10*59
= 590 kJ/cut
Load/unload Time:
The total basic time can be determined based on the following assumptions for this example:
Therefore, basic processes time for this study is,
Tb = loading time + cleaning time + unloading time
= 25 + 25 + 25
= 75 sec
Basic power of the machine can be assumed as the 25% of the machine maximum in the manufacturer specifications. Therefore the power consumed during the basic process is,
Pbasic = 7.5 kW
Energy consumed during this process is,
Ebasic = Pbasic * ttotal
The basic time for the process can be taken as the sum of idle time (which contains machining time) and load/unload times, i.e.
Tbasic = Tb + tidle
= 75 + 59
= 134 sec
ebasic = 7.5* 134 = 1,000 kJ per cut
Total Energy required for turning can be determined as,
eprocess = em +eidle + ebasic
=133 + 590 + 1,000
= 1,723 kJ/ cut
Power required for machine utilization during turning is,
Pmtotal = eprocess / ttotal
= 1,723/134 = 12.8 kW.
Volume of the material removed for a given crossectional area = [mm3]
= 44,936 mm3
Chip mass (ms) = Vremoval * ρ [kg]
ms = 44,936 * 8,000 * 10-9
= 0.359 kg/cut
From (Andres et al., 2008) a single CNC machine using cutting fluid required an individual pump to circulate the fluid from a 55 gallon (208L) tank to the cutting zone. The 208L/machine is recycled within process until it is disposed of after two weeks. Assuming cutting fluid is used 204 hr/ 2 weeks, then the cutting fluid loss is 208L/ (204*60) per minute, which is 0.017 L/min or about 17 g/min. The coolant is about 96 wt% water, so at 96wt% water, the coolant oil loss is 4wt% or 0.68 g cutting oil/min.
Turning time per cut tm = 54 sec
Mass loss of the coolant = 0.68*54/60 = 0.61 g cutting oil/cut
The fugitive loss is 0.1 g cutting oil/min or 0.09 g cutting oil/cut
This report presented the models, approaches, and measures used to represent the environmental life cycle of turning unit operations referred to as the unit process life cycle inventory. The five major environmental-based results are energy consumption, metal chips removed, cutting fluid, lubricant oil, and cutting tool. With only the following information the unit process life cycle energy for turning can be estimated.
The life cycle of turning is based on a typical high production scenario (on a CNC turning machine) to reflect industrial manufacturing practices.
The methodology that has been followed for collecting technical information on CNC machines has been largely based in the following:
The documentation of the CNC machine and the technical assistances collected from the manufacturing companies through internet. Several interviews with the service personnel of the different CNC manufacturing companies have been carried out. After collecting the information from the different companies it has been put together in the relevant document that describes the different approaches the different companies have regarding the technical information on the CNC machines. Telephone conversations allowed us to learn more about basic power and idle power. Companies that involved in our telephone conversations are Bridge port, Fadal, Hass and Jeenxi. These companies’ manufactures different sizes of CNC machines, but this report shows the lower, mid and highest level of sizes. For our case study we picked machine at the highest-level.
Specifications |
Model Number |
JHV – 850 |
JHV – 1020 |
JHV – 1500 |
Spindle Speed |
8000 rpm |
8000 rpm |
8000 rpm |
Spindle Drive |
Belt/Direct type |
Belt/Direct |
Belt/Direct type |
Spindle Motor |
5.5/7.5 kw |
7.5/11 kw |
7.5/ 11 kw |
Rapid Traverse (X,Y) |
30 m/min |
30 m/min |
30 m/min |
Rapid Traverse (Z) |
20 m/min |
20 m/min |
24 m/min |
Cutting Feed rate |
1 – 15000 mm/min |
1 – 15000 mm/min |
1 – 15000 mm/min |
3 Axes motor output(X,Y,Z) |
1.8/ 1.8/ 2.5 |
1.8/ 1.8/ 2.5 |
4.0/ 4.0/ 7.0 |
Power Consumption |
20 KVA |
20KVA |
40 KVA |
Specifications |
Model Number |
VF- 7 |
VM - 2 |
Spindle Speed |
7500 rpm |
12,000 rpm |
7,500 rpm |
Spindle Drive |
Belt/Direct type |
Inline direct drive |
Direct speed belt drive |
Max Torque |
75 ft-lb@1400 |
75 ft-lb@1400 |
75 ft-lb@1400 |
With Gearbox |
250 ft-lb@ 450 |
- |
- |
Spindle motor max rating |
20 hp |
30 hp |
20 hp |
Axis Motor max thrust |
3400 lb |
3,400 lb |
2,500 lb |
Rapids on X-axis |
600 ipm |
710 ipm |
1,000 ipm |
Rapid on Y & Z Axes |
600 ipm |
710 ipm |
1,000 ipm |
Max Cutting |
500ipm |
500 ipm |
833 ipm |
Power Consumption(min) |
200 – 250 VAC |
200 – 250 VAC |
200 – 250 VAC |
Specifications |
Model Number |
VMC – 850 |
VMC – 137 |
VMC - 21100 |
Spindle speed (Belt) |
8000 rpm |
8,000/10,000 rpm |
6000/8000 rpm |
Spindle speed (Gear) |
4000/7000 rpm |
4000/7000 rpm |
4000/7000 rpm |
Rapid Traverse (X, Y) |
590.55 ipm |
787.4 ipm |
393.7 ipm |
Rapid Traverse (Z) |
472.44 ipm |
787.40 ipm |
393.7 ipm |
Cutting feed rate |
236.22 ipm |
393.7 ipm |
393.7 ipm |
Spindle drive motor |
7.5/ 10 hp |
15/ 20 hp |
15/20 hp |
X,Y,Z axis drive motor |
a12, a12, a12 |
a22, a22, a30 |
a30, a30, a30 |
Power consumption |
20 KVA |
25 KVA |
35 KVA |
Specifications |
Model Number |
XR 760 |
XR 1270 HP |
XR 1500 HPD |
Spindle Speed(Belted) |
9000/15000 rpm |
- |
- |
Fanuc Motor Power |
25/25 hp |
- |
- |
Heidenhain Motor Power |
28/28 hp |
- |
- |
Spindle Speed(Directly coupled) |
15000 rpm |
15000 rpm |
375 – 7500 rpm (Gear Box) |
Fanuc Motor Power |
30 hp |
40 hp |
40 hp |
Heidenhain Motor Power |
33 hp |
34 hp |
40 hp |
Rapid Traverse (X,Y) |
1692 ipm |
1417 ipm |
1417 ipm |
Rapid Traverse (Z) |
1417 ipm |
1417 ipm |
1417 ipm |
Cutting Feed rate |
787 ipm |
787 ipm |
787 ipm |
Power |
30 KVA |
40 KVA |
40 KVA |
Specifications |
Model Number |
VMC 4020 |
VMC 6030 |
VMC 6535 HTX |
Spindle Speed |
10 - 10,000 rpm |
10 - 10,000 rpm |
6000 rpm |
Spindle Drive |
Automatic Mechanical Vector Drive |
Automatic Mechanical Vector Drive |
Automatic Electric Vector Drive |
Rapid Traverse (X,Y) |
900 ipm |
400 ipm |
900 ipm |
Rapid Traverse (Z) |
700 ipm |
400 ipm |
700 ipm |
Cutting Feed rate |
600 ipm |
400 ipm |
600 ipm |
Motor Power |
10 hp |
14.7 hp |
29.5 hp |
Air Pressure Required |
80 – 120 psi |
80 – 120 psi |
80 – 100 psi |
Specifications |
Model Number |
TTC-630 |
TMC 500 |
XR 1500 HPD |
Spindle Speed(Belted) |
4000 rpm |
6000 |
- |
Spindle Motor Power |
15/20 KW |
5/7 KW |
- |
X Axis Motor Power |
2.8 KW |
- |
- |
Z Axis Motor Power |
2.8 KW |
15000 rpm |
375 – 7500 rpm (Gear Box) |
Coolant Pump Motor Power |
1 KW |
40 hp |
40 hp |
ATC Motor Power |
12.6 KW |
34 hp |
40 hp |
Rapid Traverse (X,Y) |
197 mm/min |
1417 ipm |
1417 ipm |
Rapid Traverse (Z) |
630 mm/min |
1417 ipm |
1417 ipm |
Total Driving Power |
40 KW |
787 ipm |
787 ipm |
Hydraulic Pump |
1.1 KW |
40 KVA |
40 KVA |
Table MR4.2. Average values of energy per unit material removal rate and recommended speeds and feeds (Erik, 2000; Hoffman, 2001; Joseph, 1989; Kalpakjian, 2008; 9, 10)
Material |
Hardness |
Specific cutting energy, Up |
Cutting Speed, V (m/min, ft/min) |
Feed (f) |
Density (kg/m3) |
Low carbon alloy steels |
125 - 175 |
2.98 (1.1) |
24 - 46, 80 - 150 |
0.18 - 0.75, 0.007 - 0.030 |
7480-8000 |
Medium carbon alloy steels |
125 - 175 |
3.67 (1.35) |
11 - 43, 70 - 140 |
0.18 - 0.75, 0.007 - 0.030 |
7480-8000 |
High carbon alloy steels |
125 - 175 |
3.94 (1.45) |
18 - 54, 60 - 175 |
0.13 - 1.52, 0.005 - 0.06 |
7480-8000 |
Titanium Alloys |
250 - 375 |
3.26 (1.2) |
21 - 49, 70 - 160 |
0.13 - 1.27, 0.005 - 0.05 |
4500 |
Steels |
35 - 40 |
3.80 (1.4) |
12 - 18, 40 - 60 |
0.2, 0.007 |
7850 |
High temperature nickel and cobalt |
200-360 |
6.8 (2.5) |
56, 184 |
0.18, 0.007 |
8900 |
Aluminum alloys |
30 -150 |
0.68 (0.25) |
182 - 244, 600 - 800 |
0.18 - 0.64, 0.007 - 0.025 |
2712 |
Plain cast iron |
150 -175 |
0.82 (0.30) |
45 - 60, 148 - 196 |
0.5 - 0.89, 0.02 - 0.035 |
6800-7800 |
176 - 200 |
0.90 (0.33) |
35 - 50, 115 - 165 |
0.38 - 0.64, 0.015 - 0.025 |
6800-7800 |
201 - 250 |
1.14 (0.42) |
25 - 40, 82 - 132 |
0.3 - 0.56, 0.012 - 0.022 |
6800-7800 |
251 - 300 |
1.36 (0.50) |
18 - 32, 60 - 105 |
0.254 - 0.52, 0.010 - 0.020 |
6800-7800 |
Alloy cast iron |
150 - 175 |
0.82 (0.30) |
36 - 76, 120 - 250) |
0.38 - 0.64, 0.015 - 0.025 |
6800-7800 |
176 - 200 |
1.14 (0.42) |
24 - 46, 80 - 150 |
0.3 - 0.56, 0.012 - 0.022 |
6800-7800 |
201 - 250 |
1.47 (0.54) |
18 - 37, 60 - 120) |
0.254 - 0.52, 0.010 - 0.020 |
6800-7800 |
Malleable iron |
150 - 175 |
1.14 (0.42) |
60 - 120, 200 - 400 |
0.254 - 0.52, 0.010 - 0.020 |
6800-7800 |
Cast steel |
150 - 175 |
1.69 (0.62) |
40 - 150, 130 - 500 |
0.25, 0.01 |
6800-7800 |
176 - 200 |
1.82 (0.67) |
26 - 125, 85 - 410 |
0.20, 0.007 |
6800-7800 |
201 - 250 |
2.18 (0.80) |
20 - 80, 65 - 265 |
0.15, 0.005 |
6800-7800 |
Zinc alloys |
100 |
0.68 (0.25) |
100, 330 |
0.4, 0.15 |
7140 |
Monel |
225 |
2.72 (1.0) |
30, 100 |
0.18, 0.007 |
8830 |
Brass |
145 -240 |
2.26 (0.83) |
90 - 180, 300 - 600 |
0.38 - 0.64, 0.015 - 0.025 |
7700-8700 |
Bronze |
2.26 (0.83) |
76 - 152, 250 - 500 |
0.38 - 0.64, 0.015 - 0.025 |
8900 |
Copper |
125-140 |
2.45 (0.90) |
30 - 90, 100 - 300 |
0.127 - 1.27, 0.005 - 0.05 |
8930 |
Magnesium alloys |
150 |
0.73 (0.27) |
80, 275 |
0.38 - 0.64, 0.015 - 0.025 |
1810 |
Lead |
80 -100 |
0.6 |
45, 150 |
0.4, 0.015 |
11,350 |
Source: http://cratel.wichita.edu/uplci/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/MR4_Turning_Process_8-19-09_Final.doc
Web site to visit: http://cratel.wichita.edu/
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