Chapter 11 Principles of Consolidation
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Apply the method of accounting for business combinations (HKFRS 10). |
1. Definitions
1.1 HKFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements amended some of the definitions. Note that there is no change to the basic principles or mechanics of how to prepare group accounts, rather it is the application of the definition of control which has changed.
1.2 |
Definitions |
(a) Group – A parent and its subsidiaries. (HKFRS 10) |
1.3 Before we move on to discuss the principles of consolidation, the following table is useful in summarising different types of group investment and how they are accounted for.
Investment |
Criteria |
Required treatment |
Subsidiary |
Control |
Full consolidation (HKFRS 3 (revised) / HKFRS 10 |
Associate |
Significant influence |
Equity accounting (HKAS 28) |
Joint arrangement |
Contractual arrangement |
Equity accounting (HKFRS 11 / HKAS 28) |
Investment which is none of the above |
Asset held for accretion of wealth |
As for single company accounts per HKFRS 9 |
1.4 Control
1.4.1 HKFRS 10, issued in June 2011 provides an amended definition, and identifies three separate elements of control. It states that an investor controls an investee if and only if it has all of the following:
(a) Power over the investee,
(b) Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and
(c) The ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns
1.4.2 If there are changes to one or more of these three elements of control, then an investor should reassess whether it controls an investee.
(a) Power
1.4.3 Power is defined as existing rights that give the current ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee. There is no requirement for that power to have been exercised.
1.4.4 Relevant activities may include:
(a) selling and purchasing goods or services
(b) managing financial assets
(c) selecting, acquiring and disposing of assets
(d) researching and developing new products and processes
(e) determining a funding structure or obtaining funding
1.4.5 In some cases assessing power is straightforward, for example, where power is obtained directly and solely from having the majority of voting rights or potential voting rights, and as a result the ability to direct relevant activities.
1.4.6 In other cases, assessment is more complex and more than one factor must be considered. HKFRS 10 gives the following examples of rights, other than voting or potential voting rights, which individually, or alone, can give an investor power:
(a) Rights to appoint, reassign or remove key management personnel who can direct the relevant activities
(b) Rights to appoint or remove another entity that directs the relevant activities
(c) Rights to direct the investee to enter into, or veto changes to transactions for the benefit of the investor
(d) Other rights, such as those specified in a management contract.
1.4.7 HKFRS 10 suggests that the ability rather than contractual right to achieve the above may also indicate that an investor has power over an investee.
1.4.8 |
Example 1 |
An investor acquires 48% of the voting rights of an investee. The remaining voting rights are held by thousands of shareholders, none individually holding more than 1% of the voting rights. None of the shareholders has any arrangements to consult any of the others or make collective decisions. When assessing the proportion of voting rights to acquire, on the basis of the relative size of the other shareholdings, the investor determined that a 48% interest would be sufficient to give it control. In this case, on the basis of the absolute size of its holding and the relative size of the other shareholdings, the investor concludes that it has a sufficiently dominant voting interest to meet the power criterion without the need to consider any other evidence of power. |
1.4.9 |
Example 2 |
Investor A holds 40% of the voting rights of an investee and twelve other investors each hold 5% of the voting rights of the investee. A shareholder agreement grants investor A the right to appoint, remove and set the remuneration of management responsible for directing the relevant activities. To change the agreement, a two-thirds majority vote of the shareholders is required. In this case, investor A concludes that the absolute size of the investor’s holding and the relative size of the other shareholdings alone are not conclusive in determining whether the investor has rights sufficient to give it power. However, investor A determines that its contractual right to appoint, remove and set the remuneration of management is sufficient to conclude that it has power over the investee. The fact that investor A might not have exercised this right or the likelihood of investor A exercising its right to select, appoint or remove management shall not be considered when assessing whether investor A has power. |
(b) Returns
1.4.10 An investor must have exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee in order to establish control.
1.4.11 This is the case where the investor’s returns from its involvement have the potential to vary as a result of the investee’s performance.
1.4.12 Returns may include:
(a) dividends
(b) remuneration for servicing an investee’s assets or liabilities
(c) fees and exposure to loss from providing credit support
(d) returns as a result of achieving synergies or economies of scale through an investor combining use of their assets with use of the investee’s assets
(c) Link between power and returns
1.4.13 In order to establish control, an investor must be able to use its power to affect its returns from its involvement with the investee. This is the case even where the investor delegates its decision making powers to an agent.
(d) Delegated power – principals and agents
1.4.14 When decision making rights have been delegated or are being held for the benefit of others, it is necessary to assess whether the decision-maker is a principal or an agent to determine whether it has control.
1.4.15 |
Principal and agent |
(a) HKFRS 10 introduces the concept of delegated power. If it has the power to direct the activities of an entity that it manages to generate returns for itself, then it is a principal. |
2. Exclusion and Exemption of Subsidiaries from Consolidation
2.1 Exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation
2.1.1 Where a parent controls one or more subsidiaries, HKFRS 10 requires that consolidated financial statements are prepared to include all subsidiaries, both foreign and domestic other than:
(a) those held for sale in accordance with HKFRS 5
(b) those held under such long-term restrictions that control cannot be operated.
2.1.2 The rules on exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation are necessarily strict, because this is a common method used by entities to manipulate their results. If a subsidiary which carries a large amount of debt can be excluded, then the gearing of the group as a whole will be improved. In other words, this is a way of taking debt out of the consolidated statement of financial position.
2.1.3 HKFRS 10 and HKAS 27 (revised) do not specify any other circumstances when subsidiaries must be excluded from consolidation.
2.1.4 |
Specific circumstances |
(a) Severe long-term restrictions If it does; the effect is that all its assets are presented as a single line item below current assets and all its liabilities are presented as a single line item below current liabilities. So it is still consolidated, but in a different way. |
2.1.5 It is important to note that exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation under the reasoning of dissimilar activities is not permitted under HKAS 27 (revised).
2.2 Exemption from preparing group accounts
2.2.1 A parent need not present consolidated financial statements if and only if:
(a) it is a wholly-owned subsidiary or it is a partially owned subsidiary of another entity and its other owners, including those not otherwise entitled to vote, have been informed about, and do not reject to, the parent not presenting consolidated financial statements;
(b) its securities are not publicly traded;
(c) it is not in the process of issuing securities in public securities markets; and
(d) the ultimate or intermediate parent publishes consolidated financial statements that comply with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards.
3. Different Reporting Dates and Different Accounting Policies
3.1 Reporting dates
3.1.1 In most cases, all group companies will prepare accounts to the same reporting date. One or more subsidiaries may, however, prepare accounts to a different reporting date from the parent and the bulk of other subsidiaries in the group.
3.1.2 If the subsidiary does not prepare conterminous financial statements to the same reporting date as the parent, the financial statements of that subsidiary should be adjusted for the effects of significant transactions or other events that occur between the two different dates.
3.1.3 HKFRS 10 includes a further restriction that the difference between reporting dates should not exceed three months.
3.2 Accounting policies
3.2.1 Consolidated financial statements should be prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances.
3.2.2 Adjustments must be made where members of a group use different accounting policies, so that their financial statements are suitable for consolidation.
4. The Basic Consolidation of Statement of Financial Position
4.1 Steps in preparing the consolidated statement of financial position
4.1.1 |
Steps in preparing the consolidated statement of financial position |
(W1) Shareholding in the subsidiary (W2) Consolidation adjustments. (W3) Net assets of subsidiary
(W4) Goodwill
(*) If fair value method adopted, NCI value = fair value of NCI’s holding at acquisition (number of shares NCI own × subsidiary share price). (*) If proportion of net assets method adopted, NCI value = NCI % × fair value of net assets at acquisition (from W2). (W5) Group retained earnings
(W6) Non controlling interest
4.2 Summary of basic consolidation adjustments
4.2.1 |
Basic consolidation adjustments |
(a) Current assets Cash in transit Goods in transit (b) Unrealised profit in inventory Parent sells to subsidiary Subsidiary sells to parent (c) Unrealised profit in sale of non-current assets Parent sells to subsidiary Excessive depreciation Subsidiary sells to parent Excessive depreciation (d) Intra-group lending Dr. Group loan
(e) Dividends out of pre-acquisition profits Dr. Cash |
4.3 Goodwill
4.3.1 |
Goodwill |
Goodwill is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. Goodwill arising on consolidation is the difference between the cost of an acquisition and the fair value of the subsidiary’s net assets acquired. |
4.3.2 |
Treatment of Goodwill |
(a) Positive goodwill: (b) Impairment of positive goodwill: (i) Proportion of net assets method: Dr Group reserves (ii) Fair value method – the goodwill in the statement of financial position includes goodwill attributable to the non-controlling interest. In this case the double entry will reflect the non-controlling interest proportion based on their shareholding as follows: Dr Group reserves (% of impairment attributable to the parent) (c) Negative goodwill: |
4.4 Non-controlling interests
4.4.1 |
Computation of Non-controlling Interests |
HKFRS 3 allows two alternative ways of calculating non-controlling interest in the group statement of financial position. Non-controlling interest can be valued at: |
4.5 Fair value of consideration and net assets
4.5.1 |
Fair value of consideration and net assets |
To ensure that an accurate figure is calculated for goodwill: |
4.6 Calculation of cost of investment
4.6.1 |
The cost of acquisition |
The cost of acquisition includes the following elements: |
4.6.2 Incidental costs of acquisition such as legal, accounting, valuation and other professional fees should be expensed as incurred. The issue costs of debt or equity associated with the acquisition should be recognized in accordance with HKAS 32.
(a) Deferred and contingent consideration
4.6.3 In some situations not all of the purchase consideration is paid at the date of the acquisition, instead a part of the payment is deferred until a later date – deferred consideration.
(a) Deferred consideration should be measured at fair value at the date of the acquisition, i.e. a promise to pay an agreed sum on a predetermined date in the future taking into account the time value of money.
(b) The fair value of any deferred consideration is calculated by discounting the amounts payable to present value at acquisition.
(c) Each year the discount is then unwound. This increases the deferred liability each year (to increase to future cash liability) and the discount is treated as a finance cost.
(b) Share exchange
4.6.4 Often the parent company will issue shares in its own company in return for the shares acquired in the subsidiary. The share price at acquisition should be used to record the cost of the shares at fair value.
4.6.5 |
Example 3 – Calculation of cost of investment |
H Ltd acquires 24 million $1 shares (80%) of the ordinary shares of S Ltd by offering a share-for-share exchange of two shares for every three shares acquired in S Ltd and a cash payment of $1 per share payable three years later. H Ltd’s shares have a nominal value of $1 and a current market value of $2. The cost of capital is 10% and $1 receivable in 3 years can be taken as $0.75. Required: (a) Calculate the cost of investment and show the journals to record it in H Ltd’s accounts. Solution: (a) Cost of investment
$50m is the cost of investment for the purposes of the calculation of goodwill.
(b) Unwinding the discount
For the next three years the discount will be unwound, taking the interest to finance cost until the full $24 million payment is made in Year 3. |
4.7 Fair value of net assets acquired
4.7.1 HKFRS 3 (revised) requires that the subsidiary’s assets and liabilities are recorded at their fair value for the purposes of the calculation of goodwill and production of consolidated accounts.
4.7.2 Adjustments will therefore be required where the subsidiary’s accounts themselves do not reflect fair value.
5. Associates and Joint Ventures
5.1 HKAS 28 was revised in 2011 to include accounting for both associates and joint ventures. Previously, HKAS 28 dealt with associates and HKAS 31 dealt with joint ventures. HKAS 31 has now been withdrawn and, where a joint arrangement (as defined by HKFRS 11) also meets the definition of a joint venture, HKAS 28 (revised) requires that any associates or joint ventures are equity-accounted in the group financial statements.
5.2 HKAS 28 (2011) requires that the carrying value of the associate or joint venture is determined as follows:
Investment in associate or joint venture |
$000 |
Cost |
X |
Add: Share of increase in net assets |
X |
Less: Impairment loss |
(X) |
X |
6. Joint Arrangements
6.1 HKFRS 11 Joint Arrangements was issued in 2011 to replace HKAS 31. HKFRS 11 provides new or updated definitions to determine whether there is a joint arrangement and, if so, the nature of that arrangement together with associated accounting requirements. It adopts the definition of control as included in HKFRS 10 as a basis for determining whether there is joint control.
6.2 |
Definitions |
(a) Joint arrangements are defined as arrangements where two or more parties have joint control, and that this will only apply if the relevant activities require unanimous consent of those who collectively control the arrangement. They may take the form of either joint operations or joint ventures. The key distinction between the two forms is based on the parties’ rights and obligations under the joint arrangement. HKFRS 11 requires that joint operators each recognize their share of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the joint operation over which they have rights and obligations. This may consist of maintaining a joint operation account to record transactions undertaken on behalf of the joint operation, together with balances due to or from other parties to the joint operation. Example: Example: |
7. Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities
7.1 HKFRS 12 was issued in May 2011 as part of the ‘package of five standards’ relating to consolidation. It removes all disclosure requirements from other standards of relating to group accounting and provides guidance applicable to the consolidated financial statements.
7.2 The standard requires disclosure of:
(a) The significant judgments and assumptions made the determining the nature of an interest in another entity or arrangement, and in determining the type of joint arrangement in which an interest is held.
(b) Information about interests in subsidiaries, associates, joint arrangements and structured entities that are not controlled by an investor.
7.3 The following disclosures are required in respect of subsidiaries:
(a) The interest that non-controlling interests (NCI) have in the group’s activities and cash flows, including the name of relevant subsidiaries, their principal place of business, and the interest and voting rights of the NCI.
(b) Nature and extent of significant restrictions on an investor’s ability to use group assets and liabilities.
(c) Nature of the risk associated with an entity interests in consolidated structured entities, such as the provision of financial support.
(d) Consequence of changes in ownership interest in subsidiary (whether control is lost or not).
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