21. Which among these components connect to physical equipments of distributed control system?
Correct answer: Central room computer
22. The function of data acquisition begins at
Correct answer: Communication infrastructure
23.In a SCADA system , the operator interface is driven by
Correct answer: RTU
24.In a SCADA system the host computer performs
25. Information display is achieved in the form of
Correct answer: Both (a) and (b)
26. During supervisory control which of the following methods is employed for verification
Correct answer: Set point control
27. Alarm processing refers to which of the following
Correct answer: Altering the operator for unscheduled events
28. Accurate record keeping is essential for
Correct answer: All of the above
29. Capturing and recording unscheduled events with a time resolution of few milliseconds is referred to as,
Correct answer: Supervisory control
30.The typical time resolution of events captured during a SOE operation
Correct answer:5ms
31. Calculation of average and integration wrt to time will be a part of
Correct answer: Data calculation
32. Determination of whether a transmission line is energized or not is a good example of
Correct answer: Data acquisition
33. The highly reliable information storage that a SCADA system offers can be used for
Correct answer: Distribution automation
34. Which of the following protocol offers a byte stream service
Correct answer: TCP
35. Majority of LAN devices employ SNMP due to
Correct answer: Both (b) and (c)
36. A signal contains components with frequencies up to 10 kHz, although no useful information is contained at frequencies above 6 kHz. What is the minimum frequency at which the signal should be sampled? |
38. What is the resolution of a 12-bit data converter?
Correct answer: 0.024%
39. What would be a typical settling time for a general-purpose 8-bit ADC?
a)1 ns to 10 ns
b)100 ns to 1 s
c)10 s to 100 s
d) 100 s to 1 s
Correct answer: 100 ns to 1 s
40. What is meant by the droop of a sample and hold gate?
Correct answer: The rate of decay of the output voltage.
41. An analogue multiplexer is a form of electrically controlled switch, based on the use of analogue switches.
Correct answer: True
42. What is the primary function of the sample and hold gates in the following arrangement.
Correct answer: To allow all the inputs to be sampled simultaneously.
43. What is meant by a single-chip data acquisition system?
Correct answer: A single integrated circuit containing an ADC and a multiplexer.
44. What is the primary function of the sample and hold gates in the following arrangement.
a)To hold the outputs constant between updates of the outputs.
b)To buffer the output signals.
c)To allow the outputs to be updated simultaneously.
d)To prevent variations in the load from affecting the output voltage.
Correct answer: To hold the outputs constant between updates of the outputs.
![]() 45.A 16-input multiplexer is to be used to perform parallel-to-serial data conversion. Which of the following counters would be required to provide the data select inputs?
46.Multiplexing of digital signals is usually required when:
Correct answer: moving data over long distance transmission lines.
47.One can safely state that the output lines for a demultiplexer are under the direct control of the:
Correct answer: input data select lines. |
48.What is the purpose of a decoder's inputs?
49. Which statement below best describes the function of a decoder?
50. The IEEE/ANSI symbol for a decoder has the internal designation bcd/dec. This means the decoder is a:
Correct answer : BCD-to-decimal decoder with four inputs and ten outputs
Source: https://www.snscourseware.org/snsct/files/CW_589da37e1cbd3/multiple%20choice%20questions%205.doc
Web site to visit: https://www.snscourseware.org
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