
Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire



Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire, Little Poems in Prose (1869)
I. Background considerations and discussion
A. "Baudelaire holds his place in world literature as the author of a book of poetry, Les fleurs du mal, yet this slim volume occupies only one out of the seven volumes in the first collected edition (1868-1870) .. .His greatest prose is found in his criticism, his studies of the “artificial paradises” of intoxicants, and the Petits poèmes en prose (Paris Spleen, collected 1869)."
B. "There is little doubt that the use of prose made it easier for the poet to utilize both modern and urban subjects and also to combine, as he wrote to his mother on 9 March 1865, “the terrifying with the comic, and even love with hate” (Corr., 2:473). Not that he had failed to do just that in certain poems of Les Fleurs du mal—but there is little doubt that it was easier to introduce into prose various tones such as irony, sarcasm, and cruelty without diminishing the poetic effect.
In many of his prose poems Baudelaire was actually doing what he maintained Daumier had succeeded in accomplishing: “You will see passing before your eyes all that a great city contains of living monstrosities—all that it harbors of the fearful, the grotesque, the sinister or the farcical” (OC, 2:554). Baudelaire could well have been describing certain of his own prose poems, some of which were actually inspired by the great caricaturist. There is little doubt, as Lemaitre has shown, that the art of Daumier, Guys, and Méryon, as well as the stories of Edgar Allan Poe, did much to encourage and inspire in Baudelaire the mingling of the strange and commonplace. In fact, Baudelaire came to believe that modern beauty could be born only from this intimate association of the two contrasting elements."
C.  "The word “spleen” in French is taken directly from English and denotes a particularly modern and thus somewhat “alien” form of melancholy. It is related to the more traditional “ennui” (a word English takes from French), which in “To the Reader” (“Au lecteur” in Les Fleurs du mal) Baudelaire allegorically transformed into the deadliest of sins: “Although he does not make a big stir or a big fuss, he would willingly make the earth a ruin, and in a yawn swallow the world…. His eye weighted with an involuntary tear, he dreams of scaffolds while smoking his hookah” [another remark from Jonathan Arac's biography].
II.  Here are some questions to consider as you're reading the prose poems on pp. 15-18 of the brochure: "The Double Room," "Get Drunk," "Crowds," ["A Hemisphere in a Head of Hair" ]; "The Port," "The Soup and The Clouds" 
1.  How does Baudelaire situate himself as an observer in each of these poems?  What particular aspects of modern life is he observing?   How does he describe the role of the poet, or poetry, in modern life--and what sort of relationship does he establish with the reader? See particularly "Crowds" (p. 17).
2.  What contrasting elements do you notice in these poems?  Which ones illustrate the idea of "living monstrosities" lurking in urban/modern life--that is, touches of "the fearful, the grotesque, the sinister or the farcical," or the mingling of the strange and the commonplace?
3.  The notion of "spleen," understood as melancholy or boredom, is particularly prominent in "The Double Room" (p. 15-16) and "Get Drunk"--but it coexists in both poems with more pleasurable sentiments.  What are the remedies for spleen, according to these poems?  How is spleen tied to time, memory and forgetting?  How is it connected to inebriation, phantasmagoria, or other altered states of the mind?
4.  Other major themes in Baudelaire's poetry include travel (see, for example, "The Port") and women (about whom he was famously ambivalent; compare "A Hemisphere …" to "The Soup and the Clouds").  What do you find striking in Baudelaire's description of travel and women?  How does he interconnect them?   

Jonathan Arac, "Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)" in European Writers: The Romantic Century.  Ed. George Stade. Vol. 7. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983. p1323-1348.

From Wikipedia: :"Honoré Daumier (French: [ɔnɔʁe domje]; February 26, 1808 – February 10, 1879) was a French printmaker, caricaturist, painter, and sculptor, whose many works offer commentary on social and political life in France in the 19th century.   Daumier produced over 500 paintings, 4000 lithographs, 1000 wood engravings, 1000 drawings and 100 sculptures. A prolific draftsman, he was perhaps best known for his caricatures of political figures and satires on the behavior of his countrymen, although posthumously the value of his painting has also been recognized."  To see some of Daumier's caricatures, follow this link: http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2008/10/02/stars-of-political-cartooning-honore-daumier/

"Petits Poèmes en Prose, or Le Spleen de Paris." Charles Baudelaire Revisited. Lois Boe Hyslop. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. 84-103. Twayne's World Authors Series 827. Twayne's Authors on GVRL. Web. 18 Feb. 2014

This is a prose version of the verse poem "The Head of Hair," which you can read in the brochure on p. 58.  We'll talk about these two poems on Monday Feb. 24.

Source: https://ay12-14.moodle.wisc.edu/prod/pluginfile.php/271687/mod_resource/content/1/baudelaire%20little%20poems%20handout%20%231.docx

Web site to visit: https://ay12-14.moodle.wisc.edu/p

Author of the text: indicated on the source document of the above text



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)


Charles Baudelaire         (1821-1867)

(French symbolist poet and critic; orphan, mother remarried General Aupick, difficult family relations, stayed in Réunion, bohemian life in Paris, dependent on mother's assignation, precarious life as reviewer, lover Jeanne, both suffered from syphilis, drug addict; in love with Mme. Sabatier; friend of Charles Asselineau and Poulet-Malassis; major scandal with immorality trial concerning les Fleurs du Mal, cult figure, major pre-Modernist poet and aestheticist critic, dandy; mental disorders late in life, interned in asylum)



Baudelaire, Charles. Salon de 1845. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques, L'Art romantique 1-86.
"The Salon of 1845." (Extract). 1845. In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 33-46.*
"Le musée classique du Bazar Bonne-Nouvelle." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques, L'Art romantique. 87-96.*
"Choix de maximes consolantes sur l'amour." Le Corsaire-Satan (March 1846).
trans. (Anon.). "Le Jeune Enchanteur." By George Croly. L'Esprit Public (1846).
Salon de 1846. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques, L'Art romantique 97-200.*
"The Salon of 1846." (Extract). 1846. In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 47-107.*
trans. "Révélation magnétique." By E. A. Poe. La Liberté de Penser (1848).
"Clergeon aux Enfers." c. 1848.
"Les drames et les romans honnêtes." 1851. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 567-74.*
"Of Virtuous Plays and Novels." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 108-14.*
"Du vin et du haschisch comparés comme moyens de multiplier l'individualité." Essay. Le Messager de l'Assemblée (1851).
Les Paradis Artificiels. 1851. In Œuvres complètes. 2 vols. Ed. Claude Pichois. Paris: Gallimard, 1975-76.
trans. "La Philosophie de l'ameublement." By Edgar Allan Poe. 1852.
trans. "Une Aventure dans les Montagnes Rugueuses." (= "Les Souvenirs de M. Auguste Bedloe."). 1852.
trans. "Bérénice." By E. A. Poe. L'Illustration 17 April 1852.
trans. "Bérénice." By E. A. Poe. In Poe, Histories Extraordinaires, trans. Baudelaire.
trans. "Le Puits et le Pendule." By E. A. Poe. In Poe, Histories Extraordinaires, trans. Baudelaire.
trans. "Le Corbeau." By E. A. Poe. 1853.
trans. "Le Cœur révélateur." By E. A. Poe. 1853.
trans. "Morella." By E. A. Poe. 1853.
trans. "Le Chat noir." By E. A. Poe. 1853.
La Fanfarlo. Novella. In Veillées littéraires illustrées vol. 1.15.
"De la caricature et généralement du comique dans les arts." 1855. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 515-16.*
Lo cómico y la caricatura. Trans. Carmen Santos. (La Balsa de la Medusa, 25). Madrid: Visor, 1988.*
- "Morale du joujou." 1850s.
"Morale du joujou." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 201-8.*
"Exposition universelle --1855-- Beaux-Arts." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 208-40.*
"The Universal Exhibition of 1855: The Fine Arts." (Extract). 1855. In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 115-39.*
"De l'essence du rire et généralement du comique dans les arts plastiques." Le Portefeuille 8 July 1855.
"De l'essence du rire et généralement du comique dans les arts plastiques." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986.240-64.*
"Of the Essence of Laughter, and generally of the Comic in the Plastic Arts." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 140-61.*
"De la esencia de la risa y en general de lo cómico en las artes plásticas." In Baudelaire, Lo cómico y la caricatura. Madrid: Visor, 1988. 13-52.*
trans. and introd. Histoires Extraordinaires. By Edgar Poe. Paris: Michel Lévy, 1856. (Previously serialized in Le Pays).
trans. and introd. Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires. By Edgar Poe. 1857. (Previously serialized in Le Pays).
"Edgar Poe I." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 583-6.*
"Edgar Poe II: Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses œuvres." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 594-618.*
"Edgar Allan Poe, his Life and Works." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 162-87.*
"Edgar Poe III: Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 619-40.*
"Further Notes on Edgar Poe." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 188-208.*
Introd. to Poe's poetry. Trans. Arturo Sánchez. In Poe, Obras completas II. Barcelona: RBA, 2004. 251-64.*
Letter to Charles Asselineau, March 13, 1856. In Michel Butor. Histoire extraordinaire: Essai sur un rêve de Baudelaire. 1961. (Essais, 87). Paris: Gallimard-Folio, 1988.*
"Quelques caricaturistes français." 1857. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 265-90.*
"Some French Caricaturists." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 209-31.*
"Algunos caricaturistas franceses. Carle Vernet. Pigal. Charlet. Daumier. Monnir. Grandville. Gavarni. Trimolet. Traviès. Jacque." In Baudelaire, Lo cómico y la caricatura. Madrid: Visor, 1988. 53-106.*
"Quelques caricaturistes étrangers." 1857. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 290-304.*
"Some Foreign Caricaturists." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 232-43.*
"Algunos caricaturistas extranjeros. Hogarth. Cruickshank. Goya. Pinelli. Brueghel." In Baudelaire, Lo cómico y la caricatura. Madrid: Visor, 1988. 107-33.*
"Madame Bovary par Gustave Flaubert." L'Artiste 18 October 1857. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 641-52.*
"Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 244-55.*
"L'Albatros / The Albatross." Fleurs du Mal.org
"Correspondances." Sonnet. From Les Fleurs du Mal. With English translations in Charles Baudelaire's Fleurs du mal / Flowers of Evil:
"Les Chats." In Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du mal.
"A une passante / To a Passerby." From Les Fleurs du Mal. Online at  FleursduMal.org
Les Fleurs du Mal. Poems. 1857, 1861.
Les Fleurs du Mal: poèmes choisis et annotés par Georges Alesi. (Les Classiques Hatier). Paris: Librairie Hatier, 1957.*
Les Fleurs du Mal. Introd. Jean-Paul Sartre. Paris: Gallimard, 1964.
Les Fleurs du Mal et autres poèmes. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1964.*
Les Fleurs du Mal. Ed. Claude Pichois. Paris: Gallimard, 1972.*
Les Fleurs du Mal. In Fleurs du mal.org
The Flowers of Evil. Trans. James McGowan. Ed. Jonathan Culler. Oxford: Oxford UP.*
Las flores del mal. Bilingual ed. Trans. Antonio Martínez Sarrión. Barcelona: La Gaya Ciencia, 1978.
Las flores del mal. Ed. and trans. Enrique López Castellón. Madrid: PPP, 1988.*
Petits poëmes en prose. Critical ed. Robert Kopp. Paris: José Corti, 1969.*
Petits poëmes en prose (Le Spleen de Paris). Ed. Robert Kopp. Paris: Gallimard, 1973.*
The Prose Poems and La Fanfarlo. Ed. and trans. Rosemary Lloyd. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Salon de 1859 —Lettres à M. le Directeur de la Revue Française. 1859.In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 304-96.*
"Salon de 1859: Le Gouvernement de l'imagination." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. Paris, 1890.*
"The Salon of 1859." In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. H. Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 628-630. Select. and trans. of Le salon de 1859. 1859.*
"The Salon of 1859." (Extract). In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 285-324.*
"Téophile Gautier." L'Artiste (March 1859). In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 659-88.*
"Théophile Gautier." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 256-84.*
"Peintures murales d'Eugène Delacroix à Saint-Sulpice." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 397-400.*
"L'Exposition de la galerie Martinet en 1861." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 401-4.*
"L'Eau-forte est à la mode." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 405-9.
"Peintres et aqua-fortistes." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 409-16.*
Eugène Delacroix, ses œuvres, ses idées , ses mœurs. L'Œuvre et la vie d'Eugène Delacroix. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 417-52.*
Le peintre de la vie moderne. Written 1859-60. Pub. 1863. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 453-502.*
The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays. Ed. and trans. Jonathan Mayne. London: Phaidon, 1964.
"The Painter of Modern Life." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 390-436.*
From "The Painter of Modern Life." In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 136-44.*
From The Painter of Modern Life. In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*
"L'art philosophique." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 503-14.*
"Richard Wagner et Tannhäuser à Paris." 1861. In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 689-728.*
"Richard Wagner and Tannhäuser in Paris." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 325-57.*
"De la caricature et généralement du comique dans les arts." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 515-16.*
"De la caricatura y en general de lo cómico en las artes." In Baudelaire, Lo cómico y la caricatura. Madrid: Visor, 1988. 133-36.*
"The Life and Work of Eugène Delacroix." 1863. In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 358-89.*
"Comment on paie ses dettes quand on a du génie." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 535-8.*
"L'art philosophique." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 503-14.*
"Conseils aux jeunes littérateurs." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 539-48.*
"Les contes de Champfleury." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 549-52.*
"Jules Janin et le gâteau des rois." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 553-4.*
"Pierre Dupont." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 555-66.*
"L'école païenne." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 575-82.*
"Philibert Rouvière." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 587-93.*
"La Double Vie par Charles Asselineau." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 653-8.*
"Téophile Gautier." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 659-88.*
"Richard Wagner et Tannhäuser à Paris." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 689-728.
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Victor Hugo." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 729-43.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Marceline Desbordes-Valmore." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 744-7.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Auguste Barbier." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 748-52.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Théophile Gautier." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 753-6.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Pétrus Borel." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 757-60.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Gustave Le Vavasseur." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 761-2.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Théodore de Banville." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques.  L'Art romantique.  Ed. H. Lemaitre.  Paris: Garnier, 1986.  763-70.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Pierre Dupont." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 771-7.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Leconte de Lisle." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 778-82.*
"Réflexions sur quelques-uns de mes contemporains: Hégéssippe Moreau." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 783-8.*
"Les martyrs ridiculés par Léon Cladel." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 789-96.*
"Les Misérables par Victor Hugo." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 797-808.*
  "Les contes normands et historiettes baguenaudières par Jean de Falaise." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 809-10.*
"Prométhée delivré par L. de Senneville." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 811-14.*
"Le Siècle: Epître à Chateaubriand par Bathild Bouniol." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 815.*
"Edgar Poe: Révélation magnétique." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 816-18.*
"Les Liaisons dangereuses." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 828-36.
"L'Esprit et le style de M. Villemain." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. 845-54.*
"Paul de Molènes." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 870-1.*
"Anniversaire de la naissance de Shakspeare." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 873-8.*
"Projets de lettre à Jules Janin." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 879-88.*
"Les Travailleurs de la Mer." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 891.
Curiosités esthétiques. Paris, 1890.*
Œuvres complètes. Ed. Y.-G. le Dantec. (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade). Paris: Gallimard, 1954.*
"Eloge du maquillage." Essay. 1863. In Charles Baudelaire.*
Journaux intimes.
Tableaux parisiens.
Les Épaves. Poems.
Mon cœur mis à nu. Confession.
Mi corazón al desnudo. In Baudelaire, Diarios íntimos: Cohetes. Mi corazón al desnudo. Trans. and prologue by Rafael Alberti. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 1992.*
Argument du livre sur la Belgique.
Fusées-Suggestions. Notes.
Cohetes. In Diarios íntimos: Cohetes. Mi corazón al desnudo. Trans. and prologue by Rafael Alberti. (Colección los Cuatro Vientos, 3). Sevilla: Renacimiento, 1992.*
The Voyage. Trans. Alan Bold. Edinburgh: M. Macdonald, 1966.
Morceaux choisis: poëmes et proses. Ed. Yves-Gérard Le Dantec. Paris: Gallimard, 1929.
Oeuvres. Paris: Conard; Calmann-Lévy; N. R. F.
Selected works. Ed. Francis Scarfe. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Œuvres complètes. Paris: Club Français du Livre, 1966.
Selected Writings on Art and Artists. Trans. with an introd. by P. E. Charvet. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. Rpt. as Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992.*
Edgar Allan Poe: Sa vie et ses ouvrages. Ed. W. T. Bandy. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1973.
Œuvres complètes. 2 vols. Ed. Claude Pichois. Paris: Gallimard, 1975-76.
The Prose Poems and La Fanfarlo. Ed. and trans. Rosemary Lloyd. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Mi corazón al desnudo y otros papeles íntimos. Trans. Antonio Martínez Sarrión. Visor, 1983.
Curiosités esthétiques, L'Art Romantique, et autres œuvres critiques de Baudelaire. Ed. Henri Lemaître. Paris: Garnier, 1986.*
Pequeños poemas en prosa. Los paraísos artificiales. Ed. José Antonio Millán Alba. (Letras Universales, 67). Madrid: Cátedra, 1986.*
Diarios íntimos: Cohetes. Mi corazón al desnudo. Trans. and prologue by Rafael Alberti. (Colección los Cuatro Vientos, 3). Sevilla: Renacimiento, 1992.*
Cartas a la madre (1833-1866). Ed. and trans. Roberto Mansberger. Barcelona, 1993.





Crépet, Eugène, and Jacques Crépet. Charles Baudelaire. 1907.
De Reynols. Baudelaire. 1920.
Pichois, Claude. Baudelaire. English ed. 1989.
Porché. Baudelaire: Histoire d'une âme. 1943.
Prévost, Jean. Baudelaire. Paris: Mercure de France, 1948.
Raynaud, E. Charles Baudelaire. 1922.



Ackroyd, Peter. Rev. of Baudelaire. By Claude Pichois. The Times 29 June 1989. Rpt. in Ackroyd, The Collection. Ed. Thomas Wright. London: Chatto & Windus, 2001. 218-20.*
Alas, Leopoldo ("Clarín"). "Baudelaire." In Alas, Mezclilla. 1889. Barcelona: Lumen, 1987. 75-106.
Bahti, Timothy. "Benjamin, Baudelarie, and the Allegory of History." In Bahti, Allegories of History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992. 204-25.*
Barthes, Roland. "Le théâtre de Baudelaire." 1954. In Barthes, Essais Critiques. Paris: Seuil, 1964, 1971. (Rpt. Points). 41-47.*
Bataille, Georges. "Baudelaire." In Bataille, La littérature et le mal. 1957. Paris: Gallimard, 1990. 27-49.
Benjamin, Walter. "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire." 1939. In Benjamin, Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. 155-200.*
"Sobre algunos temas en Baudelaire." In Benjamin, Angelus novus. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1971.
"Sobre algunos temas en Baudelaire." In Benjamin, Poesía y capitalismo: Iluminaciones 2. Madrid: Taurus, 1972.
Sobre algunos temas en Baudelaire. Trans. H. A. Murena. (El hilo de Ariadna). Buenos Aires: Leviatán, 1999.*
"Der Flâneur." Die Neue Rundschau (Dec. 1967). (From "The Paris of the Second Empire in the Works of Baudelaire" essay).
"Die Moderne." Das Argument (March 1968). (From "The Paris of the Second Empire in the Works of Baudelaire" essay).
"Central Park." Trans. Lloyd Spencer and Mark Harrington. New German Critique 34 (Winter 1985): 32-58. (Notes on Baudelaire).
In JSTOR http://www.jstor.org
Charles Baudelaire: Ein Lyriker im Zeitalter des Hochkapitalimus. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1969.
Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism. Trans. Harry Zohn. London: New Left Books, 1973. 1983.
Bernard, Suzanne. Le Poème en prose de Baudelaire à nos jours. Paris: Nizet, 1959.
Bersani, Leo. Baudelaire et Freud. Paris: Seuil.
Baudelaire and Freud. Berkeley: U of California P, 1977.
Bertmann, Sandra. The Sonnet Over Time: A Study of the Sonnets of Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Baudelaire. Chapel Hill (NC): U of North Carolina P, 1988.
Bishop, Lloyd. "The Coexistence of Contraries: Baudelaire's La Fanfarlo and Les Fleurs du Mal." In Bishop, Romantic Irony in French Literature. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 1991. 96-113.*
Blood, Susan. Baudelaire and the Aesthetics of Bad Faith. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.
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Internet resources


Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire's Fleurs du mal / Flowers of Evil




Lévy, Bernard-Henri. Les Derniers jours de Charles Baudelaire. Novel. 1988. Paris: Grasset-Le Livre de Poche, 1988.*
López Viejo, Enrique. La culpa fue de Baudelaire. Memoir. El Desvelo, 2014.*
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Forgotten Songs: Dawn Upshaw Sings Debussy. James Levine, Piano. CD. Contains: Recueil Vasnier, Ariettes oubliées, Cinq Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire. Prod. Grace Row. JAs.  Hennessy / Sony Music, 1997.*

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