The AVERAGE function allows you to average the values in a range of cells. It is written in much the same way as the SUM function, for example,
average function can be applied using the Functions Wizard, a part of Excel that steps you through the process of creating a function or you can type it in yourself if you are comfortable with it.
Try This Yourself: |
Same File |
Continue using the previous file with this exercise, or open the file E710 Formulas_6.xlsx... |
Click on B29 then click on the Insert Function tool |
Click on AVERAGE in Select a function then click on [OK] to display the Function Arguments dialog box |
Click on the Range Selector |
and select the following ranges |
B6:B8 |
B11:B13 |
B16:B18 |
B21:B23 |
Press |
Click on B34, then click on the drop arrow for the Sum command |
Click on B9, hold down |
The Minimum or MIN function allows you to extract the lowest value from a range of values. It is written in much the same way as the SUM function. For example, =MIN(range of cells).
The function can be applied using the Function Wizard, or by typing the function in detail directly into the cell.
Microsoft Excel has some in-built messages that can assist you when something goes wrong with a formula. These messages appear in the cell that contains the formula, and sometimes also
other formula cells that depend upon it. The messages are always prefixed with a hash sign (#) and appear with a code. The more common error messages are listed below.
Sometimes referred to as “tramlines”, a line of hash signs usually occurs because a column is not wide enough to display the numbers in the cell or formula. Widening the column will correct this problem – you can drag the column heading until the value in the cell appears as it should.
This message means you are trying to divide a value by zero – this is mathematically impossible. In the example at the left we are trying to find the average number of persons per household. All is fine as long as there is a value greater than zero in cell B3 (Houses). As soon as we change this to a zero an error message appears in the formula cell (B5).
To prevent the error you will need to enter a value greater than zero into cell B3, the divisor cell.
In this message Excel is advising that something in the formula is not a value and therefore a calculation can’t be made.
A close examination of the example at the left shows cell B3 contains the word “three”. Therefore the formula in cell B5 is trying to divide 192,664 (in cell B2) with a word, which doesn’t make sense.
To fix the error, a value (a number) will need to be entered in cell B3.
This message appears when text is found in a formula that can’t be matched to either a legitimate function or range name.
In the example to the left, the formula has been entered as =SOME(B3:B7) – there is no such function as SOME, and presumably the author should have typed =SUM(B3:B7).
Formulas And Functions
Tasks: |
Completed: |
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in the chapter Formulas And Functions… |
Open the workbook called PE_Formulas And Functions.xlsx (it can be found in the same folder as the student files) |
c |
Create a formula that calculates the gross pay for each employee, then use a function to calculate the total of the gross pay |
c |
Create a formula that calculates the tax as being 20% of the gross pay for each employee, then create a total for the tax |
c |
Create a formula to calculate the net pay for each employee and then a total of the net pay |
c |
Create a formula that calculates the superannuation as being 8% of the gross pay for each employee, then create a total for superannuation |
c |
Use functions to determine the average, maximum and minimum values for each column, setting the number of decimal places to 2 |
c |
Use the Save As command to save the workbook as PE_Formulas And Functions (Completed).xlsx |
c |
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