Transistor Configuration
Transistor Configuration
CE, CB, CC Configurations:
Transistor Configuration:
- We know that transistor has three terminals namely emitter(E), base(B), collector(C).
- However, when a transistor is connected in a circuit, we require four terminals (ie) two terminals for input and two terminals for output.
- This difficulty is overcome by using one of the terminals as common terminal.
- Depending upon the terminals which are used as a common terminal to the input and output terminals, the transistors can be connected in the following three different configuration.
- Common base configuration
- Common emitter configuration
- Common collector configuration
- Common base configuration:
- In this configuration base terminal is conncted as a common terminal.
- The input is applied between the emitter and base terminals.The output is taken between the collector and base terminals.
- Common emitter configuration:
- In this configuration emitter terminal is conncted as a common terminal.
- The input is applied between the base and emitter terminals.The output is taken between the collector and base terminals.

3. Common collector configuration:
- In this configuration collector terminal is conncted as a common terminal.
- The input is applied between the base and collector terminals.The output is taken between the emitter and collector terminals

CB, CE,CC Characteristics :
- Common base Characteristics :
Input characteristics:
- The output(CB) voltage is maintained constant and the input voltage (EB) is set at several convenient levels.For each level of input voltage, the input current IE is recorded.
- IE is then plotted versus VEB to give the common-base input characteristics.
Output characteristics:
- The emitter current IE is held constant at each of several fixed levels. For each fixed value of IE , the output voltage VCB is adjusted in convenient steps and the corresponding levels of collector current IC are recorded
- .For each fixed value of IE, IC is almost equal to IE and appears to remain constant when VCB is increased.
- Common-Emitter Characteristics :
Input characteristics:
- The output voltage VCE is maintained constant and the input voltage VBE is set at several convenient levels.For each level of input voltage, the input current IB is recorded.
- IB is then plotted versus VBE to give the common-base input characteristics.
Output characteristics:
- The Base current IB is held constant at each of several fixed levels. For each fixed value of IB , the output voltage VCE is adjusted in convenient steps and the corresponding levels of collector current IC are recorded
- .For each fixed value of IB, IC level is Recorded at each VCE step.For each IB level, IC is plotted versus VCE to give a family of characteristics.
- Common-Collector Characteristics :
Input characteristics:
- The common-collector input characteristics are quite different from either common base or common-emitter input characteristics.
- The difference is due to the fact that the input voltage (VBC) is largely determined by (VEC) level .
Output characteristics:
- The operation is much similar to that of C-E configuration.When the base current is ICO, the emitter current will be zero and consequently no current will flow in the load.
- When the base current is increased, the transistor passes through active region and eventually reaches saturation. Under the saturation conditions all the supply voltage, except for a very small drop across the transistor will appear across the load resistor.
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Transistor Configuration
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Transistor Configuration